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Sailcamp 2024

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Published 19:39 on 19 Aug 2024

Evening Sailcampers! It's taken a little longer than expected, but we've finally sorted some gremlins and the Sailcamp photos and Youtube video are now up!

Here's the links:
YouTube: https://youtu.be/mXUHVYYxmGI
Pirates Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3NBue4kmGP7O4pR8EyU99S?si=1cabac8e8cec4244
Flickr: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjBDpnj

Our favourite way to relive Sailcamp is with Youtube on the big screen and the Pirates playlist turned up!

Individual photos can be downloaded from Flickr, please consider a donation to the Tall Ships Youth Trust or Ellen MacArthur Cancer Trust, donation links below and in the details for each photo.
TSYT: https://www.tallships.org/make-a-donation/
EMCT: https://www.ellenmacarthurcancertrust.org/donate/

Huge thank you to all our Sailcampers for the heavy lifting you do when I point the camera lens your way - see you next year! Can't wait already!

P.S. I've also taken the liberty of putting the 2023 Slideshow on to YouTube as well if you want to indulge!

Last updated 19:39 on 19 August 2024

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